Yahritza Y Su Esencia Dias Nublados Lyrics English Translation
"Dias Nublados" by Yahritza Y Su Esencia is a song about heartbreak and the pain of carrying the weight of memories from a past relationship. The lyrics describe the physical and emotional pain of the protagonist, who is struggling to move on from a past love. The cloudy day serves as a metaphor for the protagonist's emotional state, as they try to come to terms with the end of their relationship. The song also touches on the idea of endings not always being happy, and the protagonist reflects on the fact that they once believed their love would last forever. Overall, the song is a poignant reflection on the pain of heartbreak and the struggle to move on.
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My back hurts
From carrying the weight
And it's that your memories hurt me, I can't anymore
My back hurts
From carrying the weight
And it's that your memories hurt me, I can't anymore
The day is cloudy
Since you left
My dog asks why you didn't even say goodbye
Chorus 1
I'm sorry to say goodbye
You were looking for, I don't know, tell me
Someone more needy
It's already history and I liked it
And I liked it
Verse 2
Happy endings
I don't agree
And I was betting that ours would be eternal, baby
Today I look at the shadows
That you were illuminating
A cigarette in hand and a syrup relax me
Chorus 2
I'm sorry to say goodbye
You were looking for, I don't know, tell me
Someone more needy
It's already history and I liked it
And I liked it
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