Is Taylor Swift obliquely referencing John Mayer in Elle?

Publish date: 2024-06-03


You know what’s funny/weird? Since the epic John Mayer Douchefest Fallout, no tabloid has been running any story about John’s alleged hookups with Taylor Swift. Pre-Playboy interview, Mayer had allegedly been romancing the young singer for about a month, and many eyewitnesses had them flirting up a storm, and even spending the night together in hotels. Swifty’s mom wasn’t too happy about it, and mama knows best, it seems. I’d like to think that Taylor realized what a douche she was being romanced by, and she was the one to call it quits. Here’s hoping.

Anyway, the excerpts from Taylor’s Elle Magazine cover profile reminded me of that gossip. Taylor mentions two things that made me think of Mayer – first, when she’s asked who she thinks is hot, she says Taylor Lautner. To be fair, the interview might have been done before she and Lautner broke up. Second piece that made me think of Mayer: her response to the question about her biggest fear: “Me making a bunch of bad decisions and embarking on a painful, slow, devastating tailspin.” That’s what will happen if you go with Mayer, Taylor. Think about it.

On who she thinks is hot: “Um, well…Taylor Lautner.”

On whether she’s really “fearless”: “I overthink everything. I overanalyze everything.”

On one of her biggest fears: “Me making a bunch of bad decisions and embarking on a painful, slow, devastating tailspin.”

On media scrutiny: “I’ve had countless opportunities to do some really bad things. And then people start combing through everything I do trying to find the next mistake and misperception, which leads to more scrutiny. Like, if I go to a bar, even if I’m not drinking, who’s to say that a source isn’t going to say that I was doing something I shouldn’t have been doing? So it’s not only about your own moral compass, but the moral compasses of other people that you don’t know.”

On yearning to visit Nashville as a child: “I just got it into my head that there was this magical place that I needed to go to because that was where dreams come true.”

On sourcing material from her romantic relationships: “I like to categorize the various levels of heartbreak. I’ve only had that happen once. A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums.”

[From Elle Magazine]

Eh. You know I like Swifty. I think she’s a nice girl, and a much better role model for young women than, say, Miley Cyrus. I’m not one of those critics that climbs up Taylor’s ass whenever she wins something. That being said, this girl has gotten a bit overexposed, in my opinion. It would be one thing if she had a lot of stuff to promote, and she had a lot of new stuff to say. But she doesn’t have a lot of crap out right at this very minute, and her interviews aren’t the most exciting thing in the world. Take a break, Swifty.

That being said, I love the way the magazine styled her for the black-and-white photos. I love her hair when it’s straight. It makes her look older and very, very fashionable. Why didn’t they do that look for the cover shot? Weird.

To see more info and photos from the Taylor Swift cover shoot visit


Photos from the cover shoot courtesy of Elle’s online slideshow.
